
Flying Pigs & Dancing Dogs

By Megan Shadrick September 2, 2017

Hopefully you have been able to enjoy the beautiful weather and all the fun things going on in our communities this holiday weekend. Our family had a fun filled day Saturday; starting at Where Pigs Fly farm in Lynn and back to Jeff City to watch dogs dance at the Missouri River Regional Library. I am still amazed every week all the fun things going on in Jeff City, Fulton, Russellville and the surrounding towns. I hope you never feel like you canโ€™t find something to do with your kids or as a family. I spend a lot of time each week searching for all the fun things going on so you donโ€™t have to! Tell your friends and fammily to subscribe to Macaroni Kid Jefferson City today! I have several exciting give-aways coming-up but you must be a subscriber to win!

Lots of fun things going on this week. Take a few minutes to look at our top picks or the full calander of events to find your family fun in Jefferson City, Fulton, Russellville and surrounding towns.

Save the date for our Puppet Show and Diaper Drive
September 16th 11:30am
Southwest Early Childhood Center
812 St. Mary's Boulevard
Jefferson City, MO ย