
Bye Bye 2018 Goals

By Megan Shadrick, Publisher January 13, 2018

Prior to the start of the new year I had set a goal of taking better care of myself. I needed to address some health stuff that I have been putting off and start focusing on Mom. It is already the third week of January and I am already failing at this goal and failing big time. Tis the season and just like many of your kids mine have been getting sick. I have needed to cancel my own doctors appointments in order to address their needs because they were more important than mine. The past few weeks have just been crazy stressful so all those other goals have easily gotten pushed aside too. This is a habit that started almost four years ago when I became a Mom and it continues to be hard to break. How do you find the time and energy to focus on you and your own needs? Share your ideas and thoughts on our facebook post at Ā