
Week of Tears...

By Megan Shadrick, Publisher February 4, 2018

It's been a while but this week this Mom hit her limit and the tears from frustration and sadness flowed. It’s so hard to watch one of your children struggle and not be able to figure out what the problem is or how you can help. This next week may bring us answers or just more questions and concerns for our youngest son. As I try to push on because that’s what we must do as parents; I open Facebook to learn a friend from college with two young kids has cancer. As the news smacks me in the face my current worries don’t seem so big anymore...

Parenting can be difficult on a typical day. I hope if you or someone in your family becomes sick or is struggling you have a support system to fall back on. If not we have a lot of great resources for families in our communities that are there when you need them. In 2018 we hope to add a lot of new guides to our website that will give you quick and easy access to information and resources when you need it. I really want our edition of Macaroni Kid to be more then just about family fun because well…life isn’t always fun and as parents sometimes we just need help and support.

I know not my happiest of messages; but this is what is on my heart this week. Hug your kids today and if you need some help as a parent don’t be afraid to find someone to ask.